Week 05 - Getting ready for the first stream! - Aina


Its almost time for the first stream!

We're so excited to host the stream on both Facebook and Instagram.

We've done lots of research on how to cast the stream and have bought the respective software needed and necessary to run the streams.

However, we do foresee some technical issues popping up because of our inexperience at hosting and running a livestream.

I like to consider this first stream a beta test or a soft launch stream as we're expecting some technical hiccups.

In spite of that, from these hiccups, we'll take note and improve along the way so that the following streams are a lot more stable and better overall.

If you miss the streams though, we'll release a highlight reel closer to the end of the week so that everyone can see what went on and perhaps decide to join in the next stream.

Hope to see you there!

- Aina
